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Belotero for “Etched-in” Wrinkles and Lines

Dr. Pilest uses all the available FDA-approved fillers at Total Dermatology, simply because they all have one or more unique properties that fit certain needs.

Belotero is lesser-known than fillers like Juvederm or Restylane, but it’s satisfactions levels are very similar.

An Excellent Finish

BELOTERO BALANCE is an ideal choice to soften and smooth moderate-to-severe etched-in lines and wrinkles for more of a finishing touch. It is often used with more robust fillers like Radiesse beneath the line or wrinkle when more volume is required.

See Lower Face Before and After Treatments

Specifically treat highly visible areas around the mouth, improving the appearance of stubborn, etched-in facial lines and wrinkles.

Treatment areas include:
• Vertical lip lines
• Smiles lines
• Corner lines
• Moderate nasolabial folds
• Chin wrinkles

INDICATION: BELOTERO BALANCE® is FDA-approved for injection into the mid-to-deep dermis for correction of moderate-to-severe facial wrinkles and folds, such as nasolabial folds.

IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION FOR BELOTERO BALANCE® Contraindications: BELOTERO BALANCE® should not be used in patients with severe allergies manifested by a history of anaphylaxis, with a history or presence of multiple severe allergies. BELOTERO BALANCE® contains a trace amount of gram-positive bacterial proteins, and is contraindicated in patients with a history of allergies to such material. BELOTERO BALANCE® must not be implanted into blood vessels.

Warnings: Use of BELOTERO BALANCE® at specific sites in which an active inflammatory process (skin eruptions such as cold sores, cysts, pimples, rashes, or hives) or infection is present should be deferred until the underlying process has been controlled. BELOTERO BALANCE® must not be injected into blood vessels of any size. Introduction of BELOTERO BALANCE® into the vasculature may occlude the vessels and can cause infarction of overlying tissue or embolization with resultant necrosis of potentially large areas of distant tissue such as the lip or the nose. Injection site responses to BELOTERO BALANCE® have been observed, consisting mainly of short-term inflammatory symptoms starting early after treatment and with 7 days duration or less.

Precautions: The safety or effectiveness of BELOTERO BALANCE® for the treatment of dermal contour defects other than nasolabial folds, such as use in the lips, has not been established in controlled clinical studies.

The safety of BELOTERO BALANCE® for use during pregnancy, in breastfeeding females, or in patients under 21 years has not been established. As with all transcutaneous procedures, BELOTERO BALANCE® injection carries a risk of infection. Patients who are using substances that reduce coagulation, such as aspirin, non-steroidal anti-infammatory drugs, and warfarin may, as with any injection, experience increased bruising or bleeding at injection sites.

Patients should inform their physicians if they are taking such substances. Laser treatment, chemical peeling, or any other procedure based on active dermal response performed after treatment with BELOTERO BALANCE® may increase the risk of an inflammatory reaction at the injection site. Similarly, the administration of BELOTERO BALANCE® before the skin has healed completely after such a procedure may also increase the risk of inflammatory reactions. Exposure of the treated area to excessive sun, UV lamp exposure, and extreme cold weather should be minimized until any initial swelling and redness have resolved and puncture sites have healed.

Adverse Events: The most common side effects seen after injection were swelling, bruising, redness, and hardening that resolve within one week. More rare side effects may include swelling that lasts longer, unevenness or firmness in the area injected, and as with any injection, there may be a risk of infection.

Important: For complete instructions for use, please visit or call Merz Aesthetics Customer Service at 866-862-1211
Caution: Rx only

Dr. Nissan Pilest is a member of the distinguished Expert Injector collaboration and holds the Circle of Excellence in Soft Tissue Fillers through the American Society of Dermatologic Surgeons. Dr. Pilest performs all injections for dermal fillers and neuromodulators at Total Dermatology. About Dr. Pilest

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When it comes to your skin and your health, it really is all about what’s best for you. Total Dermatology understands this, which is why we offer versatile treatments with experienced and highly trained aesthetic professionals led by Dr. Nissan Pilest. Your Total Dermatology transformation awaits.

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